云顶集团糖果游戏 Announces 2020 Sustainability Goals

Monday, July 25, 2016


PHILADELPHIA, July 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- 云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCK) (云顶集团糖果游戏) (yj0.sushipizza.net), 全球领先的金属包装产品供应商, 宣布了新的环境可持续发展目标,目标是在2020年底之前实现. The goals, 哪些重点是进一步减少能源消耗和温室气体排放, 补充公司现有的战略,有效地管理和节约资源,并为市场带来创新,支持客户和消费者的可持续发展努力. The goals have been submitted to the Carbon Disclosure Project's 今年,皇冠集团开始参与CDP的气候变化计划. 公开数据将于今年秋天在中国国家统计局的网站上公布.

“皇冠一直遵循可持续发展的原则, placing a relentless focus on safety, innovation and efficiency," said Timothy J. Donahue, 云顶集团糖果游戏的总裁兼首席执行官. “这些目标支持我们继续致力于减少全球运营对环境的影响,并扩大与利益相关者的可持续发展绩效沟通."


  • By the end of 2020, 在2015年的基础上,每十亿标准单位的能耗降低5%.
  • By the end of 2020, 在2015年的基础上,将第一类和第二类产品的温室气体排放量每十亿标准单位减少10%.

In addition to these reduction goals, 云顶集团糖果游戏每年通过投资各种能效项目来继续推动环境改善. During 2015, 云顶集团糖果游戏最终确定了105项不同的减排举措,预计将节省超过10项,000 metric tonnes of CO2 each year. Examples include:

  • 在几个工厂用更节能的设备取代回热式氧化剂的多年努力, yielding estimated annual savings of over 2,600 metric tonnes of CO2.
  • 一项分阶段的照明升级计划,包括在多个设施中使用高效节能照明设备和更换LED照明.

"While ambitious, 我们已经在实现这些目标的道路上走得很好, 我们两年期可持续发展报告所概述的持续进展证明了这一点," comments Donahue. “最先进的饮料罐工厂目前正在建设中 Nichols, New York, 哪一个计划在2017年第一季度投入运营, will further support our progress. 其高效的设备将使其成为世界上最节能的饮料罐工厂之一."

了解科朗在可持续发展方面的成就,并下载公司最新的可持续发展报告, visit yj0.sushipizza.net/sustainability.


Except for historical information, 本新闻稿中的所有其他信息均为前瞻性陈述. 这些前瞻性陈述涉及若干风险, uncertainties and other factors, including the Company's ability to achieve environmental sustainability goals in the areas of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; the Company's ability to bring innovations to market to support the sustainability efforts of customers and consumers; whether the Company's new facility being built in Nichols, New York will become operational during the first quarter of 2017; and whether it will become one of the most energy efficient can plants in the world that may cause actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements. 可能导致本新闻稿中的陈述或公司实际运营结果或财务状况不同的重要因素在公司截至年度的10-K年度报告中的“前瞻性陈述”标题下进行了讨论 December 31, 2015 以及在本协议日期之前或之后提交的后续文件中. 公司不打算根据未来事件审查或修改任何特定的前瞻性陈述.

About 云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc.

云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc., through its subsidiaries, 是全球消费者营销公司包装产品的领先供应商. World headquarters are located in Philadelphia, PA. For more information, visit yj0.sushipizza.net.

For more information, contact:

In the United States: Dr. John M. Rost, Director – Sustainability and Regulatory Affairs; Tel: (708) 239 5222; Email: john.rost@sushipizza.net

For editorial inquiries: Thomas T. Fischer, Vice President Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs; Tel: (215) 552-3720; Email: thomas.fischer@sushipizza.net


SOURCE 云顶集团糖果游戏 Holdings, Inc.